We were friends but lived in different countries!

Created by pamela 6 years ago

It all began just over 20 years ago on the Parade, Cowes, Isle of Wight. It was an absolutely beautiful, warm summers day.The Parade was really crowded. I had travelled from Basel, Switzerland and was spending the last few days on the I.o.W before returning 'home'. I was leaning on the wall looking over the Solent when a couple came and did the same. When I heard the lady speak I knew immediately we had something in common - we both were born and bread 'Isle of Wighters' - as we call ourselves, it was Jean (with her partner). Soon we chatted away - Jean grew up in Freshwater, I grew up in Cowes. Next subject was about school days - Jean loved school so did I. Jean loved Athletics: Running which surprised me because she was not very tall so I looked at her and said: you mean you could run like the wind? She laughed and said yes. Told her I hated running but threw the Javelin. We both broke school records in our disciplines. So it's very easy to imagine that we got on well and that is how our friendship remained regardless of the distance. We met only a few times in England but wrote and telephoned through the years. However, through the years I realized how very special Jean was and she amazed me. We sometimes sent each other a Christmas present. Every present Jean sent suited my personality perfectly and I had no idea how she managed to do that, so once I asked her and her reply was only a laugh/giggle. She never told me! The first was a small Calendar with beautiful embroidery of wild roses. at the bottom a tear-off day Calendar. That part finished at the end of the year, but the Calendar still hangs in my flat today. There were 3 other special presents but that would take too long. The final present was a large butterfly that you can hang on the window so that light passes through, the wings in all rainbow colours which hangs in my living room. I love butterflies and love colours, both are very important to me!

Now comes something which perhaps many people may not believe, but I do! On the 11th March a Sunday I was at a friends flat where I go to paint quite regularly. I talked about Jean and also about the special presents I received from Jean. I sat at a table near the window to paint when suddenly one and half hours later my friends shouts - look a Butterfly just flew past the window. Quite honestly I couldn't really believe it, it was a bitter cold day around 4C - but I immediately got up and ran onto the balcony to see whether it was really out there somewhere. Sure enough there it was sitting on the window frame. It was really large for European standards and I spoke to the Butterfly saying it's much too cold, it should find somewhere more protected. We both were in the cold for a good minute when it then opened light brown, speckled wings and flew away. It was then clear to me and I went back in the flat and said to my friend: that was Jean who came to say goodbye! It is known that sometimes a soul comes back to say goodbye in various forms like a smell, a sound etc. I had this great privilege in the form of a butterfly which for my beliefs was Jean.

It hurts to think of Jean no longer being here, but I tell myself every time I feel sad - that Jean is running like the wind through the heavens. And I have to smile!

In memory of my special friend Jean Pamela Collins